Saturday 26 April 2014

North Island Masters Drawn Pairs Results

First Life

Winners: Mick Lacey and Bob Mckenzie
Runners up: Trevor Walters and Jason Ladbrook

Second Life

Winners: Graham Parker and Brian McKelvie.
Runners up: Mick Lacey and Debbie Walters

Third Life

Winners: Mick Lacey and Trevor Walters
Runners up: Tina Osborne and Richard Komene

Most 180's: Mick Lacey and Cody Harris 4 each.

Highest Finish: Brian Steed 114

Thursday 24 April 2014

North Island Masters this weekend

 I am heading to this from Auckland in an hour or so. I am travelling with Mick Lacey and Peggy Wikaira.

I will try and send some live updates and photos if time permits.

Wednesday 23 April 2014

Interdomion Newsletter

17TH – 21ST APRIL 2014

1.    Tournament. A very successful tournament which was played in the usual “Family of Darts” atmosphere and, as always, it was great seeing our Aussie mates. Sincerest thanks to the Organising Committee headed by RNZRSA Interdominion Council President, Steven Halford and to all those who participated including our volunteer helpers and drivers, the kitchen and bar staff and fantastic support from the Executive Committee, the Secretary Manager, Jim Pattullo and his Assistant Manager Nicole Bunker. We sincerely thank our sponsors, particularly Lion Breweries, Puma Darts and IGT Gaming.
2.    Participants. The NZ contingent included 50 players and 30 supporters, NSW 18 players and 12 supporters and Victoria 30 players and 12 supporters. A good turn out and our thanks to Lincoln Green for their discounts and liaison.
3.    Warning.  Three NZ players were out of the rig of the day at the Tournament Dinner and suffered the ignominy of a Disciplinary meeting. There will be no further tolerance and if you don’t subscribe to the brief and other instructions you will be suspended forthwith. No more warnings, Folks.
4.    Results.
Anzac Trophy.    Aust 11    NZ 4  Bob Sadler, Roni Shearsby, Bruce Abbott,             
                                                        Tony Fromont, Leo Cantell, Dave Clapperton,
                                                        Dean Woodward, Jim Hennah, Leo                   
                                                        Nicholson, Craig Schomaker.   
Dominion.           Aust 10    NZ 5   Steven Halford, Mal Jones, Steve Yost, Buck
                                                        Ryan, Charlie Taylor, George Brook, Peter
                                                        Page, Gordy McCallum, Karen McLean, Peter
Singles                NZ Laurie Turner                           Aust Ian Whitworth
Doubles              NZ Andy Pringle/Peter Herewini  Aust Steve Brown/Paul Tune
Test Match          NZ 7         Aust 7 NZ Team Don Ross, Jimmy Joyce, Greg West.
                                                         Kevin Barr, Peter Herewini. Rob Furmage, Andy                                                      
                                                         Pringle, Willie Peters, Laurie Turner, Whitu
Executive            NZ 9         Aust 6 All NZ Exec and Selectors stood down to
                                                         allow others to play. Dave Green, John
                                                         Amosa, Derek Kaa, John Kaa, George Moore,
                                                         Dean Tremayne, Maurice Farr, Keith Ball,
                                                         Maree Mayall, Sarnia West.
Captain’s Cup     NZ 3 Tony Wicksteed                  NZ2 Charlie Taylor
Coiro Shield        Vic 3                    NSW 1
Veteran’s Cup     NZ Kevin Barr    VIC Dick Delamere
High Start            NZ Richard Jackson 160
High Finish          NZ Tony Wicksteed NZ 161                                                             
First 180               NSW Bob Lockwood
First 171               NSW David Jackson
Taniwha 170        Not won
Most 180’s         3 each: Steve Brown VIC, Kelly Jillett NZ, Gary Warner VIC,   Paul Tune VIC, John Ryan NZ.
Most 100’s           NZ Laurie Turner 36
Necklace              NZ Bob Sadler
Trout Mouth        VIC Noel Beasy
The Frog              NSW Nick Zavatarro
Herbie                  VIC Peter Fraatz
Other 180’s.         Will be advised when the scribe gets out of hospital in a
                              Couple of days...

­Editorial and Poetical licence lies with Poppa Smurf on this occasion and although you have the right to remain silent, anything you say can and will be misquoted, then used against you !!!!!!
a.    Whitu, Jim Hennah and Georgie. People read or conversely do not read (or have emails. Although Whitu’s are sent via Dave C, Jim’s via a family member and George’s via his RSA) and accordingly miss things due to lack of communications, so to speak and accordingly last minute events are an embuggerence and these three did not have the newer strip.. Good fun which makes Monk so happy he could just pooh !!
People can be divided into three groups; those who make things happen, those who watch things happen and those who wonder what happened.
b.    Greedy Sod. Wingz you don’t play twice !! You take turns at darts..
Laughter is the brush which sweeps away the cobwebs of the heart.
c.    Steve Exley Junior is a “lolly freak” although he looked pretty good in his Tourney polo...
The person who does things that count  doesn’t usually stop to count them.
d.    One wonders why Rob F threw his darts up on the roof of the RSA.. Reckoned they were useless. Bought new ones from Logga and they didn’t work either until the Test Match... Mind, it was a lovely gesture for Rob to give his medal to young Steve Exley. Well done, Full On..
An act of goodness is of itself an act of happiness. No reward coming after the event can compare with the sweet reward that went with it. M Maeterlinck.
e.    Rob Harter for climbing a ladder and recovering item 1 above..  Glazier trying to be a roofer perhaps ?
Great things are not done by impulse but by a series of small things brought together. V van Gogh
f.     Magpie. NSW Tour Manager Dave Jackson filching one of Maku’s darts but he didn’t get away with it... but it was a good laugh.
A big man is one who makes us feel bigger when we are with him. J C Maxwell
g.    Bulldog likes to have a bet or two but that doesn’t mean going bye byes at the table by the TAB !!!
It takes a lot of courage to show your dreams to someone else. E Bombeck
h.    Mama Smurf. Missed the Ladie’s trip bus because she had gone to church and forgot the times. Religion has a lot to answer for, maybe !!
We always hold hands. If I let go – she shops !!
i.      Sam West was legless.. Not in the usual understood meaning but she did look a bit weird crawling around on the stage... but cute all of the same.
Life is like a mirror. If you frown at it, it frowns back. If you smile, it returns the greeting.
j.      Willy Warmers. I am sure that Babz Reedman was sitting there knitting “Willie warmers” but evidently this is not the case.. Still they looked like it..
      I guess size does matter.
      Laughter is the brush which sweeps away the cobwebs of the heart.   
k.     Tournament Dinner. Democracy to the fore. You don’t have to go but just remember in future that the host pays for the number of dinners ordered and we paid for quite a few of you who did not turn up. In my opinion, if you don’t turn up then you pay the $25 it cost anyway !!
Do not let what you can’t do interfere with what you can do. J Wooden
l.      Andy Pringle left his darts behind on Monday. Just as well he and Craig use the same darts... Enough said ??
No man is old enough to know better. H Jackson
m.   Robert Hale for not engaging brain before opening mouth.. Finals are best of 7 which was ratified in the IDA Constitution 2013 and copies were available as published.
A closed mouth gathers no foot....
n.    Wicky for playing for Poppa in the Captain’s Cup and winning it.
His cup runneth over..
o.    AWOL for not doing anything dobbable this year !!
The true measure of a man is how he treats someone who can do him absolutely no good. A Landers
p.    Not a dob but a well done to John Amosa for his guitar music at the Auld Lang Syne due to the fact that GE did not have a piano..
We never know the worth of water ‘til the well is dry.
q.    Kevin Frost for being Kevin Frost. A thorough gentleman and a joker to boot. Great value to be around and a credit to his state.
Every artist dips his brush in his own soul and paints his own nature into his pictures. H W Beecher
r.     Peter Fraatz, Peter Clark and Steve Brown for being the life of the party, as always. Great to be around at any time.
A smile is the light in your window that tells others that there is a caring, sharing person inside. D Waitley
s.    To all the Kiwi newcomers this year. Andy Pringle, William Peters, Peter McGinn, Maurice Farr, Karen McLean, Derek Kaa, John Kaa, Dave Clapperton, Craig Schomaker, Keith Ball, Maree Mayall, Sarnia West.
We pay the hands of cards life give us and the worst hand can make us the best players. Doc Searls
Glen Eden RSA has been appointed host of the 2020 Interdominion Darts.

2015     Merrylands RSL, Sydney, NSW
2016     Rosebud RSL, Mornington Peninsular, VIC
2017     Lower Hutt Memorial RSA, NZ..  To be held at the Petone Working
             Men’s Club, Petone, Wellington.
2018     NSW
2019     VIC
2020     Glen Eden RSA Inc, Waitakere, NZ 

Poppa Smurf